IN-DEPTH: Florida, California GOP Push Back Against Claims of Anti-Trump Bias

Some supporters of former President Donald Trump are concerned that GOP rule changes in a pair of key states may hurt his bid to become the Republican Party’s 2024 presidential nominee.
The changes also could help his second-place challenger, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, gain ground, Mr. Trump’s allies allege.
But Republican leaders in the two states, California and Florida, deny ulterior motives.
In interviews with The Epoch Times, they provided justifications for the changes. They also opined that controversies, which erupted recently, are overblown.
Still, some critics remain skeptical of the explanations offered, and they say they are remaining vigilant because of what happened at the 2016 Republican National Convention. “Never Trumpers” tried, but failed, to change a rule “binding” votes of delegates from states where Mr. Trump won the primary election….

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