Trump Gaining Support Among Gen Z

The polling group AtlasIntel reported its latest poll of people across the country shows those in the Gen Z category, ages 18-29, are moving into the support column for President Donald Trump compared to a similar poll conducted in January.

The latest Atlas poll was conducted over three days last week and involved 2,849 respondents, of which 364 said they were in the Gen Z age group.

In the Atlas January poll, the president received a net approval rating of -17.4% based on 41.3% who indicated support for Trump and with 58.7% who said they disapproved of Trump’s work in the White House.

There is a marked switch over the past month, as the new Atlas survey showed Gen Z respondents gave Trump a net approval rating of plus 5.4 points. That is based on 52.7% who said they support the president compared with 47.3% of the Gen Z respondents who indicated disapproval.

The approval rating from all survey respondents has Trump supporters in the majority — but only slightly. Those supporting Trump tallied 50.1%, while 49.7% said they disapprove of his actions.

CNN reported on Sunday that its latest poll on Trump’s performance, also conducted last week, showed 52% of those asked disapproved of Trump, while 48% approved. Those numbers, according to CNN, were largely unchanged from a similar poll from mid-February.

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