America Overrun

By the end of four years in power, the Biden administration will almost surely have admitted over 10 million illegal immigrants. Todd Bensman’s Overrun: How Joe Biden Unleashed the Greatest Border Crisis in U.S. History is an essential book for understanding this migrant maelstrom.
Reading his analysis of the unfolding border catastrophe can be wrenching, even infuriating, but conservatives need to grapple with a historic disaster, and the valuable material presented in this important book.
Overrun is a fire-bell ringing in the night. A White House that erases national borders, ignores federal laws, and refuses to expel illegal arrivals is on a mission to fundamentally change the country. While the country’s situation is dire, even desperate, Overrun also offers crucial policy fixes, most notably the need to “tear down and rebuild the American asylum system.”

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