1,000 Emails Sent Between Hunter Biden’s Firm, VP Office

Conservative watchdog America First Legal has gained access to records from the National Archives, revealing a collection of over 1,000 emails exchanged between Hunter Biden’s investment firm and the office of then-Vice President Joe Biden. This correspondence spans a period of two years and includes numerous communications still safeguarded under the umbrella of executive privilege.
The documents were disclosed as a result of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request made by America First Legal. The organization subsequently made the extensive array of records available on Wednesday.
Among the records, a total of 861 emails pertain to Rosemont Seneca, the investment firm associated with Hunter Biden. These emails, transmitted or received by the Office of the Vice President, are dated from January 2011 to December 2013. Additionally, approximately 200 emails remain under the protection of executive privilege due to their involvement in offering “confidential advice,” as confirmed by the National Archives and Records Administration in communication with America First Legal.

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