WATCH: Protestors Detained During Riley Gaines’ ‘Real Women’s Day’ At Penn State

The College Fix has this story:

Two pro-transgender activists were handcuffed and placed in a police cruiser before women’s rights activist Riley Gaines even started her speech last night at Pennsylvania State University.
October 10 was deemed “Real Women’s Day” since the date in Roman numerals reads X/X, the sex chromosomes of females.
The protestors, who were filmed by The College Fix, began yelling at attendees who were waiting for Gaines to begin speaking. One of the attendees turned out to be Pennsylvania State Senator Cris Dush, who serves the district in which Penn State University resides.
“You’re a f**king loser,” the male protester yells at State Senator Dush.
“We are going to have free speech on this campus – this is my district,” Dush said.

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