Steve Cortes: Horrors For Biden Reelection As Hispanics Abandon Ship

Joe Biden and the Democrats are hemorrhaging Latino support into 2024. In fact, the trend grows into perhaps the biggest single liability for the Left into next year’s election. The liberal site Axios sent up a warning flare, declaring the breakdown in Biden’s Hispanic support as “an alarming, re-election-threatening, full-blown crisis for the White House.”
The latest battleground state polling from my organization, the League of American Workers, validates that assessment, and points to potential seismic gains for the cause of patriotic populism among Hispanics this election cycle. Specifically, the latest survey highlights massive Hispanic dissatisfaction with Biden and leftist policies in the key battleground of Arizona, one of the most Hispanic states in America.
The overall mood of America darkens, primarily due to the economic anxiety caused by Biden’s mismanagement. Arizonans reflect that national malaise as only 18% of Grand Canyon State voters report that the American Dream is “still attainable.”

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