Hawaii Governor’s First Budget After Maui Wildfire Includes Funds For Recovery

Hawaii Governor Josh Green announced on Monday that he has requested $425 million from lawmakers in a proposed budget to aid in Maui’s recovery from the devastating wildfires in August. It is the first proposed budget by Green since the wildfire killed at least 100 people while destroying the historic town of Lahaina on August 8.

” We took to heart our need to care for those who lost everything on Maui. We’re going to make them whole. We’re going to help them survive,” Green said at a recent news conference. The wildfire has left about 12,000 people displaced, with half of them still living in hotels because of the severe housing shortage on the island.

Wildfires have been relatively rare in Hawaii, which has a lush landscape of rainforests and waterfalls. But the impact of climate change has increased the frequency and intensity of droughts in the area, heightening the risk of wildfire on the islands.

The proposed budget by Green aims to reduce the risk of wildfires statewide. The estimated cost of the wildfire’s recovery is over $5 billion, with the state’s share being only about $500 million. The federal government has promised to cover much of the Lahaina’s clean-up and emergency housing.

The recovery process is crucial to allow the people of Maui to heal and rebuild their homes and businesses. Green said that the state is committed to making sure that victims of the wildfire are not left behind. The state’s priority is to help people recover and rebuild.

Most people affected are still struggling after the tragic event, while Federal authorities are said to be fully committed to the crisis response. FEMA has shipped in tents, the Red Cross is working, and several agencies are providing significant levels of support for affected communities. The Governor’s proposed budget would help the state control future risks likely to occur from climatic changes affecting the state.


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