First American To Die In Hamas Custody Confirmed; Wife Remains Held By Terrorists

Gadi Haggai, a 73-year-old American Israeli with deep ties to New York, has become the first US citizen confirmed to have died while being held hostage by Hamas terrorists. The Hostages and Missing Persons Families Forum, representing the families, confirmed Haggai’s death, while his wife, Judi Weinstein, is believed to be still held captive.

Weinstein managed to contact one of the kibbutz members for help, stating that she had been shot in the arm and wounded in the face, while her husband, Gadi, had been shot in the head. According to Haaretz, she was also able to text her daughter in Singapore.

A paramedic later informed the couple’s children that Weinstein had called for medical help, but they lost contact with her afterward.

Kibbutz Nir Oz informed Haggai’s family that he had been murdered, and his body is still in the Palestinian territory. Haggai was described as a man with a great sense of humor, a musician, and a gifted flautist who had played in the IDF Orchestra. He was involved with music his whole life and became another victim of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The tragic death of Gadi Haggai adds to the number of hostages and casualties from the conflict. Hamas terrorists have been holding numerous Israeli citizens captive, with the families categorizing them as “hostages and missing persons.” Several other U.S. citizens had also been taken captive in the past.

The conflict between Israel and Palestine appears to be escalating, with recent events further increasing tensions. After the death of Haggai, efforts to find and rescue his wife, Judi Weinstein, continue, with hopes that she will be released and reunited with her family.

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