Californians Sound More Aghast than Relieved By Feinstein’s Fragile Capitol Hill Return

The Los Angeles Time story Sunday, days after California  Sen. Dianne Feinstein returned to Congress week after three months of trying to recover from shingle, found numerous fellow Democrats in the state more concerned than relief by the senator’s return.
“I don’t want to be like that, right? I’m getting ready to turn 65. I want somebody to say, ‘Hey, Donna, you know what? It’s time to pass the torch.’ It’s sad, but it’s not fair either,” said Donna Perkins, 64.
Perkins was among about a dozen Democrats who gathered at the Highland Park branch of a Los Angeles library Thursday evening to watch a live-streamed U.S. Senate candidate forum featuring two of the top Democrats running to replace Feinstein in 2024 –  Reps. Barbara Lee, of Oakland, and Katie Porter of Irvine.
The 89-year-old senator has already said she’s retiring at end of her term, but some Democrats, including at least two in the House, want her to resign now.
“Everybody is so diplomatic. I think she needs to take care of herself, and you can’t take care of yourself with that intense responsibility. Something comes first – either taking care of yourself or taking care of your constituents,” Susie Tompkins Buell, a major Democratic fundraiser based in San Francisco, told the newspaper. “I know she likes being there, I know she’s a fighter. But I feel like for the bigger picture, for a better future for all of us, I think she should resign. It’s an act of honor to do that.”

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