Arizona Toddler Trapped In Tesla After Battery Dies Without Warning

An Arizona toddler was trapped in a hot Tesla when the vehicle’s battery died without warning, leaving her helpless grandmother with no other option than to call 911.

Renee Sanchez said the recent situation could have been “deadly” when her 20-month-old granddaughter got stuck in her car, AZFamily reported.

The Scottsdale woman loaded the little girl into her car seat for a trip to the Phoenix Zoo, shut the back door, and went around to the front. When she tried to open the driver’s door, it wouldn’t budge.

“My car was dead,” Sanchez told the outlet. “I could not get in. My phone key wouldn’t open it. My card key wouldn’t open it.”

The Tesla service department confirmed that Sanchez did not receive any alerts that her car battery was about to die, even though the vehicles are supposed to give the driver three warnings before the battery needs to be recharged.

“When that battery goes, you’re dead in the water,” she said.

Read the full story here.