Prominent Florida Dem Endorses Sen. Scott, Urges ‘Fellow Haitians To Join Me’

Former Democrat U.S. Senate candidate Dr. Rod Joseph has endorsed Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., for reelection against Democratic candidate Debbie Mucarsel-Powell.

Joseph lost against Mucarsel-Powell in the Democratic Senate primary and has officially announced he is leaving the Democratic Party to become a Republican, the announcement said.

“For far too long, the Democratic party has taken us immigrants for granted and used us as political pawns each election season. I call upon all my fellow Haitians to join me and re-elect the U.S. Senator Rick Scott to represent the state of Florida,” Joseph said.

“Debbie Mucarsel-Powell and the rest of today’s Democratic Party are the Party of no visions and no plans,” he continued.

Joseph said he can’t support the Democratic Party because it wants to “implement an agenda that is against the norms and values of our society.”

Scott responded to the endorsement and said he appreciates Joseph’s endorsement and looks forward to “earning more votes from Democrats who are fed up with how radical today’s Democrat party has become.”

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