New Footage From Scotland Suggests There Are TWO Loch Ness Monsters

New footage of an unidentified hump in Scotland’s Loch Ness suggests that there might not be one, but possibly two long-necked creatures lurking in its depths, according to one dedicated monster hunter.

A video captured just days ago from a webcam at Airanloch Bed and Breakfast, on the loch’s north shore, showed a large wake moving south across the water, with what appeared to be a hump near the front.

It came soon after similar wakes were seen elsewhere on the water, which Nessie hunter Eoin O’Faodhagain maintained was “not a coincidence.”

“There are obviously two creatures taking up residence in this area of the loch at the moment,” O’Faodhagain said.

“Whether they are here all the time is another matter – more visual research will have to be carried out to answer this,” he said.

“But with two wakes in quick succession, it is reasonable to assume that these Nessies have a fondness for the area.”

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