Father Turns In 10-Year-Old Son After He Allegedly Threatened To ‘Shoot Up’ School

A 10-year-old Florida boy’s father turned him in after he made a threat to “shoot up” a high school on Snapchat, authorities announced Friday.

The threat was made in Wakulla County, about 25 miles south of Tallahassee. While a student reported the threat, the boy’s father turned him in on Thursday, according to the Wakulla County Sheriff’s Office.

Since January, there have been shootings at more than 20 schools across the United States. In early September, a teenager in Georgia took the lives of two classmates and two teachers, and injured nine other students on Sept. 4.

The investigation began on Wednesday after school had ended, the sheriff’s office said. Around 4 p.m. that day, Wakulla High School staff let a school resource officer know there was a threatening social media post circulating about the school.

A high school student told school staff that they talked to someone on Snapchat who said they were going to carry out a shooting at the school.

“It’s yalls last day,” the message continued.

According to the sheriff’s office, investigators worked Wednesday night and Thursday morning to find the person who made the threat. Someone with the Safe Schools Division at the Wakulla County Sheriff’s Office arrested a 10-year-old Woodville boy.

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