Chilling Labor Market, Jobseeker Surge Sets Stage For Heated Holiday Job Hunt

If landing a seasonal job is on this year’s holiday wishlist, you could be facing some stiff competition. 

Key findings from an Indeed Hiring Lab report released last week indicate the once-frenzied labor market is cooling. As of September 24, seasonal postings – which tend to ramp up in September and peak in November – dropped 12% from their 2021 peak, but still came in 0.5% higher than the same time in 2019. 

However, Allison Shrivastava, an Indeed Hiring Lab associate economist and author of the report, believes the drop in postings could be a positive telling sign. 

“2021 and 2022 was such a hot labor market with such high demand for work. We needed to come down from that really, really high demand, and we’re doing so. We’ve returned to about 2019 posting levels, so even though it is a drop, I like to think of it as more of a return in that regard,” she told Fox News Digital.

At the same time, the cooling overall demand has been met with intensifying interest among seasonal jobseekers. Searches are up 18% compared to last year, “signaling more competition for available holiday positions,” the report says. 

“That could be for a number of reasons. It could be that more people are interested in seasonal work to help kind of counterbalance the expenses of the holiday season. It also could be that more people are feeling comfortable working with in-person jobs now,” Shrivastava explained.

Read full story at Fox Business.