20 State Attorneys General Oppose Mexican Lawsuit Against Gun Industry

The Mexican government and some blue state leaders are appealing the dismissal of a $10 billion lawsuit holding U.S. gunmakers liable for gun crime south of the border.
In a statement (pdf) released Thursday, May 19, 2023, Montana’s Attorney General Austin Knudsen said he is leading a coalition of 20 attorneys general to defend the Second Amendment and the firearms industry.
“American gun manufacturers are not responsible for gun violence in Mexico,” Knudsen wrote in the statement.
The Mexican government filed the lawsuit on Aug. 4, 2021. Chief Judge Dennis Saylor of the U.S. District Court of Massachusetts dismissed the suit in October 2022. According to Saylor, while he has no sympathy for gun runners and drug dealers, the Mexican government failed to prove the manufacturers were liable for any gun crime….

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