Accuracy In Media Finds It’s Hazardous Fighting Antisemitism At Colleges

On Tuesday, a mobile billboard exposing antisemites on campus at the University of Colorado at Boulder was vandalized.

Accuracy in Media’s trucks have seen a lot of vitriol – they have been hit with bricks and spray paint in the past. But this time, during a brief stop toward the end of our driver’s shift, the entire back end panel was tagged with the words “FREE PALESTINE.” Here is a look at the truck with the LED lights turned off to see the extent of the vandalism:

The driver was also stopped multiple times by UC Boulder police and asked to leave the campus areas, even though the truck was on public roads on the campus of a public university.

The other mobile billboards AIM sent to campuses across the country have been safe thus far, but unfortunately, AIM is no stranger to vandalism. At Harvard, someone crossed out the URL for with red spray paint. The next day, someone threw a brick at that truck.