ACLU Sues Over Texas Law Allowing State Officials To Arrest Migrants

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has initiated a lawsuit against Texas concerning a newly enacted law that empowers state officials to arrest and deport illegal immigrants amid an increase in unauthorized border crossings into the state.

The leftist legal group contends that the law is discriminatory and will disproportionately target minority communities. Advocates of the law argue that it is a necessary measure, given their perception that the Biden administration has not effectively secured the border with Mexico.

El Paso County, the ACLU, and the Texas Civil Rights Project jointly filed the lawsuit on Tuesday in federal court against the Texas Department of Public Safety.

Adriana Piñon, the legal director of the ACLU of Texas, expressed concerns about the law, stating, “The bill [SB 4] overrides bedrock constitutional principles and flouts federal immigration law while harming Texans, in particular Brown and Black communities.”

Texas Governor Greg Abbott affirmed the state’s commitment to enforcing the law and indicated a willingness to take the legal battle to the Supreme Court. He argued that the law was essential due to what he perceived as shortcomings in President Joe Biden’s border policies. Abbott stated, “In his absence, Texas has the constitutional authority to secure our border through historic laws like SB 4.”

Texas House Republican David Spiller voiced support for states’ right to protect their borders, saying, “I believe that Texas and other states have the absolute right to enforce their borders.”

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