ANALYSIS: Could Liberal States Obstruct Implementing Affirmative Action Decision? History Suggests So

News Analysis
The Supreme Court ruled on June 29 that affirmative action is unconstitutional. Nonetheless, history suggests that liberal states and institutions could obstruct implementing the decision that race-conscious admissions violate the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment.
GianCarlo​ Canaparo, senior legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, predicted to The Epoch Times that colleges and universities will attempt to go around the decision by utilizing a race-neutral standard to produce racial diversity.
“They may give preferences to applicants from zip codes or high schools where they know a lot of black and Hispanic students live, and disadvantages to people from zip codes with high Asian and white populations,” he said. “This is still forbidden by this Supreme Court decision— ‘deals with substance, not shadows’—but it will be hard to catch universities if they discriminate on the sly.”…

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