Bernie Sanders Praises UAW Workers Striking Against ‘Corporate Greed’

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., praised automobile workers who are striking against their corporate employers on Sunday, saying the workers are suffering from “corporate greed.”
Sanders made the statement during a Sunday morning appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union” with host Jake Tapper. The United Auto Workers (UAW) strike against the “Big 3” automakers – Ford, GM and Stellantis – reached its third day on Sunday.
“Sen. Sanders, Vice President Pence was on the show earlier. He said, when I asked him about the fact that the CEOs make multiples more than their average workers, 362 times more in the case of Ford – I said, do you think that’s fair? He said CEO pay is up to free enterprise. It’s up to shareholders, not the government,” Tapper said. “What’s your response?”

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