Charlamagne Tha God Predicts Thursday Debate Will Be ‘Bad’

Charlamagne tha God predicted Friday that the presidential debate is going to be bad for President Biden and suggested that muted microphones might not work to the president’s advantage.

The rules for the Thursday debate between Biden and former President Trump include muted microphones outside their speaking time, no live audience, no pre-written notes and no consulting with campaign aides during breaks.

“Do you not want Trump to be interrupted?” Charlamagne asked, referencing the rules of the debate. “You’re thinking about it one way, you’re just going to let Trump go, and you can’t jump in, and you 80-plus years old and trying to keep up with every single lie he’s going to lay out? Are you serious? Biden’s not going to be able to keep up!”

Charlamagne said during his “The Brilliant Idiots” podcast that Biden was being put in a “really bad situation,” the Daily Caller first reported.

The radio host said the debate was going to be “must-see TV” and likened it to a “real, live freestyle battle.”

“Good luck, President Joe Biden,” he said.

Read more here from Fox News.