President Joe Biden promised his speech Wednesday night would be his final address to the nation from the Oval Office. Let us hope his mouth is permanently sealed, although it has hung open for a few years.
His address on Jan. 15 was bitter, partisan, hopelessly unaware, and utterly unworthy of an American president. Biden has sealed his fate as one of the worst and most forgettable presidents ever.
He began his speech with the fundamental falsehood of his entire presidency, that, in his words, he “inherited” an “economic crisis” in which millions of people were losing their jobs. This is flatly untrue. Government shutdowns during the COVID pandemic led to the loss of over 20 million jobs, but these losses peaked in April 2020, and the economy began restoring them and recovering overall long before Biden came to office. In terms of jobs and gross domestic product, the economy recovered faster under President Donald Trump than under Biden.
Biden ran as a post-partisan candidate who would restore normalcy and unity to the country. He could have done that but did the opposite. He could have let the economy recover by itself, but his lifelong delusions of grandeur prompted him to believe he was the second coming of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. So, he pushed through a partisan trillion-dollar spending bill that sent inflation to generational highs.
Biden also caved to the far-left activists in his party, undoing Trump’s effective border policies and ushering in the largest flood of illegal immigrants in the nation’s history. For years, Biden tried to deny the problem existed. Then, he acknowledged it but tried to blame it on Trump. Finally, last December, he made a secret deal with Mexico’s government to bus migrants away from the border. But the public’s judgment of Biden had already been rendered: He was a failure.
No poll captures the totality of Biden’s failure better than a recent Gallup survey identifying 18 issue areas and asking voters if the United States had made progress or lost ground on each during Biden’s presidency. Of the 18 issues identified, voters said the country had lost ground on 17 of them, including federal debt (67% lost ground), immigration (64% lost ground), and the “gap between the wealthy and less off” (60%). The only area in which even a plurality of voters said an issue improved under Biden was “the situation for gay, lesbian, and transgender” people, in which 39% said things improved and only 23% said things got worse (31% said things stayed the same).
In his speech, Biden went on to warn about “the dangerous concentration of power in the hands of a few ultrawealthy people.” These dire words came just a week after Biden awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to George Soros, the Democratic Party megadonor and the force behind the progressive district attorney crime wave. Considering Biden’s obvious mental decline, he perhaps does not realize that the Democratic Party is the party of the rich. Trump won among voters from households making less than $100,000. Trump lost among wealthy voters.
Biden also had the gall to invoke President Dwight Eisenhower’s warning of the “military-industrial complex” by warning of a new “tech-industrial complex.” Biden is upset that social media companies such as Facebook are no longer censoring facts inconvenient to the Democratic Party. He knows that he was elected probably only because the left-liberal media conspired with federal law enforcement and Big Tech companies, Facebook and Twitter among them, to suppress truthful stories about the corruption of the Biden family.
Phony to the end, Biden’s mention of Vice President Kamala Harris as an “incredible partner” who has “become like family” might have been touching were it not for the fact that Harris displaced Biden on the Democratic Party ticket last summer and first lady Jill Biden has ever since obviously despised Harris at every public function they attend together, including Wednesday’s speech.
Biden leaves the Democratic Party leaderless, directionless, and questioning its identity. If it were the party of the working class, why did the working class abandon it? Why are its voters predominantly affluent? Because Biden and his out-of-touch ilk pander to an entitled caste unwanted and resented by the nation.
Biden’s real legacy is not what he accomplished through success but what he imposed through failure. His bungling embrace of deficit spending, his open borders, and his alliance with Soros-funded district attorneys mean voters have been pushed to the right on immigration, crime, and regulation. Biden failed spectacularly, setting the stage for a unified Republican government.