Dark Liberal Money Behind Scheme To Get Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito

• Nonpartisan Supreme Court watchdogs are being financially supported by the largest Democratic-aligned dark money network in the US, as per tax filings.
• These watchdog groups are campaigning for Justices Thomas and Alito to disclose more financial information.
• Funding from groups managed by Arabella Advisors – a consulting firm with an anonymously-funded network that spent over $1 billion last year supporting liberal causes – is helping keep these watchdogs afloat.
• Washington D.C Attorney General Brian Schwalb (D) is conducting investigations on Arabella Advisors and its subsidiaries, including subpoenas issued in September.
• Other subsidiaries of the network such as Hopewell Fund, North Fund, and Windward Fund sponsor lesser-known groups not mandated to file their own tax forms with the IRS.

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