‘Deeply Hurt’

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton celebrated her nearly 50-year marriage to former President Bill Clinton despite “dark periods” throughout their relationship.

“I’ve said this for many years, nobody really knows what happens in a marriage except the two people in it. And every marriage I’m aware of has ups and downs – not public, hopefully for everyone else – and you have to make the decisions that are right for you. And I would never tell anybody else, ‘stay in a marriage, leave a marriage,’ whatever the easy answer is. And you know, for me and for us, I think it’s fair to say we are so grateful that at this stage of our life, we have our grandchildren. We have our time together,” Clinton told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria in an interview that aired Sunday morning.

Clinton recently published her new memoir, “Something Lost, Something Gained,” which included excerpts on how “both my marriage and Bill’s presidency were imperiled” at the end of the 1990s. Bill Clinton’s presidency was rocked by a sex scandal in 1998, with the 42nd president admitting to having an affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky later that year.

Hillary Clinton did not cite Monica Lewinsky by name in her memoir or during her interview that aired Sunday, only referring to “dark periods” that threatened her marriage or “a very unfortunate” incident.

I write about how we start the morning playing spelling bee in bed. And, you know, Bill is like such a great player. He gets to Queen Bee almost immediately it feels like. We just have a good time.

We have a good time sharing this life that we’ve lived together for now nearly 50 years of marriage. That’s what is right for us, and that’s really my, my message,” Clinton shared of her marriage during the interview.

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