Defiant Zelensky Says Ukraine Plans To Mobilize 500,000 More Soldiers

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has announced plans to mobilize 500,000 more troops to fight against Russia, in a rare end-of-year address. The announcement takes place after a difficult year characterized by conflict and strained relationships with Russia.

During the press conference, Zelensky discussed the current state of the war and strategies for the coming year. He encouraged his compatriots to retain resilience while affirming that Ukraine would fight on towards victory. “We are fighting for a future to be chosen by ourselves, not the Russian Federation,” Zelensky said.

As part of its preparedness for the conflict, the Ukrainian army has requested the extra 450,000-500,000 men to be drafted. While admitting that this is a sensitive issue, Zelensky stated that he needed more arguments to support the idea.

When asked about the possibility of defeat, Zelensky was confident in his response, stating “No.” He reaffirmed his resolve, saying that, “We are not ready to give up… and together we can bring this victory closer.”

Zelensky went on to discuss the duration of the war, responding to questions about the waning Western support and fatigue in Kyiv. “I think that no one knows the answer,” he said, acknowledging that even respected people, commanders, and Western partners do not know how long the war will last.

The conflict between Ukraine and Russia has been ongoing since 2014 when Russia annexed Crimea. Despite international sanctions and ongoing negotiations, tensions between the two nations remain high. Zelensky’s announcement comes as a signal of the government’s continued commitment to end the conflict and maintain Ukrainian sovereignty.

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