Democrats Introduce Bill To Ban Solitary Confinement In Prisons

A coalition of House Democrats introduced the “End Solitary Confinement Act” on Thursday, proposing a comprehensive ban on the use of solitary confinement in federal prisons, jails, and detention centers. The bill aims to establish legal restrictions on the practice, dictating when and for how long individuals can be isolated in a cell.
If passed, the legislation would impose significant limitations on solitary confinement, ensuring that inmates and detainees are not segregated alone for more than a maximum of four hours, solely to de-escalate an emergency situation. During this time, staff members would be obligated to meet with them at least once every hour.
Additionally, the proposed act would guarantee incarcerated individuals access to a minimum of 14 hours outside their cells daily. This allocation includes seven hours dedicated to various programs addressing crucial topics such as mental health, substance abuse, and violence prevention.

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