Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, whose support for the state of Israel has always been unyielding, issued a ringing endorsement of the idea that the Jewish people have the strongest claim to the biblical heartland of Israel – using the terms “Judea” and “Samaria.”
DeSantis did not use the terms “West Bank” or “Occupied Territories,” which are sometimes used by opponents of Israel to ignore the biblical connection of the Jews to Judea and Samaria.
Hebron is considered the burial place of the Biblical patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and where King David was crowned; Shiloh was where the Tabernacle rested for roughly 370 years; Joseph, who became the Egyptian pharoah’s right-hand man, is buried in Shechem; Elon Moreh is where the Bible says God promised the Land of Israel to Abraham; and David fought Goliath in the Valley of Elah. These are just some of the Jewish biblical connections to Judea and Samaria.