Ex-Border Patrol Chief Says Biden-Harris Muzzled Him Over Terrorist Arrests

Former San Diego Sector Border Patrol Chief Aaron Heitke told a House committee that the Biden-Harris administration prevented him from releasing information about the amount of suspected terrorists encountered at the border.

“I was told I could not release any information on this increase in SIAs [Special Interest Aliens] or mention any of the arrests. The administration was trying convince the public there was no threat at the border,” Heike said on Wednesday at a House Committee on Homeland Security hearing entitled, “A Country Without Borders: How Biden-Harris’ Open-Borders Policies Have Undermined Our Safety and Security.”

Rep. Clay Higgins, R-La., chairman of the subcommittee on Border Security and Enforcement, said the Biden-Harris administration has presided over a “self-inflicted border crisis” and the country faces a “threat to the homeland from within the homeland.”

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