Firefly Aerospace Launches NASA-Sponsored Cubesats

Firefly Aerospace placed eight cubesats into orbit on a mission funded by NASA on the first flight of the company’s Alpha rocket since an upper stage malfunction more than half a year ago.

The Alpha rocket lifted off from a foggy Vandenberg Space Force Base in California at 12:04 a.m. Eastern July 4. A launch attempt July 2 was scrubbed after a ground equipment issue halted the countdown just before ignition of the rocket’s first stage engines.

The rocket started deploying its payload of eight cubesats about 35 minutes after the upper stage shut down, a process expected to last about 11 minutes according to a timeline provided by Firefly. The orbit was a low Earth orbit, but Firefly did not disclose the specific target orbit for the mission before the launch.

“After expected deployment, @NASA’s CubeSat teams are now awaiting acquisition of signal,” the company posted on social media three hours after liftoff, but neither NASA nor the payload owners commented on the status of their cubesats in the first several hours after launch. The launch webcast confirmed the deployment of seven of the eight cubesats.

The mission, called Educational Launch of Nanosatellites (ELaNa 43) by NASA, carried four satellites developed by universities: CatSat from the University of Arizona, KUbeSat-1 from the University of Kansas, MESAT-1 from the University of Maine and SOC-I from the University of Washington.

NASA’s Johnson Space Center provided the R5-S4 and R5-S2-2.0 satellites while the Ames Research Center built the TechEdSat-11 cubesat. The eighth cubesat, Serenity, came from a nonprofit group, Teachers In Space.

Read more here from Space News.