Fourth Estate Feeding Frenzy As Jack Smith’s Witch Hunt Report Released

The Department of Justice released Volume 1 of its final report into the case against President-elect Donald Trump and his alleged attempts to overturn the 2020 election. Prosecutor Jack Smith’s 174-page report details his motivation and “confidence” in the validity of his evidence. Naturally, the legacy media was enthused to have more ammunition against Trump, but what appears to be missing from the Fourth Estate narrative is that this was just one side of the argument. In reality, at least 50% of cases prepared (either in defense or prosecution) must by the nature of the judicial system be ultimately proved false.

The top headline on the digital edition of The New York Times this morning, January 14, proclaims “Special Counsel Report Says Trump Would Have Been Convicted in Election Case.” Well, of course it would! What prosecutor would spend millions of taxpayer dollars and countless man-hours to release a report that says “Trump would have beaten the charges we’ve tried to push”? That the paper of record would lead with a “grass is green” above-the-fold story smacks of narrative creation rather than serious examination.

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