Haley Waves Off Third-Party Bid, ‘I’m A Republican’

Republican president candidate Nikki Haley in the face of  front-running Donald Trump’s commanding primary lead is waving off the possible she’ll instead mount or join a third-bid.

“I’m a Republican,” she told Fox News on Monday. “I have not talked to any other organization. I have not put a second of thought into an independent run because I’m a Republican. That’s what I’ve always been.

Haley, a former U.N. ambassador and South Carolina governor, is the only remain GOP primary challenger to former President Trump of any standing but has yet to win a nominating contest and lost her home state primary this past weekend.

I’ve been a conservative Republican my whole life,” she also told Fox. “I’m not going to switch over and have a Democrat vice president. That’s not something I would do. My heart has always been with the Republican Party and this country. So that’s what I’m gonna do.”

Prior to the South Carolina primary, she delivered a “state of the race” address in which she promised not to leave the race “until the American people close the door.”