He’s Back

Ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo has finally announced his bid for City Hall — a late entry that threatens to eclipse a crowded Democratic primary and deal a diminished incumbent Mayor Eric Adams a political death blow.

Cuomo enters the race already widely considered the front runner after a months-long shadow campaign, in which he coyly avoided officially announcing his comeback while ruthlessly capitalizing behind-the-scenes on Adams’ scandal-plagued first term.

“The city just feel threatening, out of control,” Cuomo said in his more than 17-minute announcement video. “These conditions exist not as an act of God, but rather as an act of our political leaders. Or more precisely, the lack of intelligent action by many of our political leaders.”

The backroom maneuvering by Cuomo quietly amassed a formidable amount of support and siphoned off many of Adams’ prominent backers, even before the three-term governor jumped into the race.

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