Illinois GOP Legislators Move To End State’s Migrant Sanctuary Status, Citing 20K Arrivals

Illinois legislators concerned with growing taxpayer costs have filed legislation they hope will put an end to the state’s migrant sanctuary status.
Chicago and other regions of Illinois have seen nearly 20,000 non-citizens arrive from the southern border over the past 13 months and have faced financial issues in caring for them.
State Rep. Norine Hammond, R-Macomb, this week, while laying out her goals for the fall veto session, introduced a measure aimed at limiting the influx.
“One of the biggest problems we are facing right now, both from a budgetary and a humanity perspective, is the ongoing crisis at our southern border and the influx of undocumented immigrants into Illinois,” Hammond said. “Yesterday, we filed House Bill 4187 to repeal the Illinois Trust Act and end our status as a sanctuary state.”

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