Inaugural Cop-Out

capitol police car in front of the capitol

capitol police car in front of the capitol

More than half a dozen local D.C.-area police departments will not be assisting Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) with security for the 2025 Presidential Inauguration, the Daily Caller has learned. The MPD has been lambasted by both progressives and conservatives for its methods of policing, and the department refused to answer several questions from the Caller.

The decision by these departments could leave MPD with hundreds fewer officers than they would typically be able to rely on for an event of this magnitude.

While MPD claimed thousands of officers will assist with security, several local departments told the Caller they will not be helping. Most were vague with their reasons for skipping this year’s inauguration, but one department confirmed in an email that it was because of a dispute over a memorandum of understanding (MOU), or agreement between departments, with MPD.

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