Internal DHS Report Said A Trump-Style Wall Is Best Protection For America

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) inspector general has determined that a border wall is the most effective method to stop illegal immigration, according to a 2017 report obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request by the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI). The 225-page report analyzed 25 different border areas and suggested that a “pedestrian fence,” which is commonly referred to as a “border wall,” was the best way to halt illegal immigration. The report also considered other methods to curb immigration, including cameras, mobile surveillance radars, sensors, a vehicle fence, and the deployment of additional agents. Although many passages in the report were redacted, all published text points to a border wall as being the “most cost-effective.”

The DHS inspector general suggested that a hybrid approach using some of the other methods could be effective in certain areas. However, the report concluded that “physical barriers work” and successfully impede illegal traffic into the United States at a cost-effective rate. The IRLI supports this conclusion and stated that a border wall is the only safe, humane, and reasonable approach to deterring unlawful migration across the southern border of the United States.

Despite criticism from many members of the Democratic Party, including the White House, President Donald Trump pushed for a border wall during his 2016 presidential campaign. The Biden administration changed its policies this year after the migrant crisis at the border became untenable. The IRLI published the report in response to arguments against a border wall and to support the need for its construction.

The report’s findings support President Trump’s stance on border security. Democrats, however, have criticized the border wall as wasteful, ineffective, and inhumane. The Trump administration’s decision to proceed with the construction of a border wall sparked controversy, and illegal immigration remains a contentious issue. Critics argue that apprehension rates have not improved significantly since the construction of a border wall began.

The border wall also faced legal challenges, including lawsuits by environmental groups and landowners who claimed the wall would damage wildlife, water, and their property rights. The construction faced additional challenges as well, including funding issues and construction problems. The Biden administration announced that they would halt the construction of the wall, citing environmental and financial concerns.

In conclusion, the DHS inspector general’s report suggests that a border wall is the most cost-effective and efficient method of hindering illegal immigration. However, the construction of the wall and its effectiveness have faced controversy and legal challenges. The policy debate over how to best handle illegal immigration continues to be a contentious issue in the United States.

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