Iran Accelerating Near-Weapons-Grade Plutonium Production, Watchdog Warns

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said Iran is taking steps to accelerate its near weapons-grade uranium in a broader effort to expand its capability for nuclear warfare, according to the watchdog’s latest report.

As of Feb. 8, Iran had 274.8 kilograms (605.8 pounds) of uranium enriched up to 60 percent according to The Associated Press who reviewed the confidential report.

According to the IAEA, approximately 42 kilograms of 60 percent enriched uranium is theoretically enough to produce one atomic bomb, if enriched further to 90 percent.

“The significantly increased production and accumulation of high enriched uranium by Iran, the only non-nuclear weapon State to produce such nuclear material, is of serious concern,” the IAEA report read as reported by AP.

Iran has not accepted oversight from the organization’s agency inspectors, who have sought to monitor the nation’s nuclear developments since September 2023.

Earlier this month, President Trump signed a National Security Presidential Memorandum effectively denying Iran all paths to a nuclear weapon and giving the Treasury and State departments approval to impose necessary sanctions to limit their advancements. 

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