Make America … Bangladesh?: Trump Chided For Peddling Foreign-Made Hats

New York Times correspondent, best-selling author, and CNN analyst Maggie Haberman revealed that the “Farmers for Trump” hats being thrown into the crowd by ex-President Donald Trump at a rally were not made in the United States.
Trump gave a speech Friday at the Mid-America Center in Council Bluffs, Iowa to a crowd of about 1,000 people — a farmer-heavy crowd. Trump walked onto a stage festooned with “Farmers for Trump” signs and threw “Farmers for Trump” hats into the crowd as the soundtrack assured all present that proudness to be an American was strictly enforced.
One of those sources outed the “Farmers for Trump” hats as not-so-proud to be American. Haberman wrote on Twitter that “A source passes along a photo of one of the hats at the Iowa farmers for trump event, which has a label saying it was made in Bangladesh. A spox hasn’t responded about it yet.”

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