Megyn Kelly joined President-elect Donald Trump’s Victory Rally on Sunday, where she thanked high-profile celebrity supporters of Vice President Kamala Harris for helping bolster Trump’s win.
“These Hollywood celebrities who get up there and try to tell us how to vote. Really? I mean, like those celebrities who know nothing?” Kelly said.
“So goodbye. J.Lo. It did not work out for you. Goodbye, Meryl Streep, who showed up at that Oprah event saying, ‘oh, madam President,’ to Kamala Harris. How’d that work out? About as well as her comment that Harvey Weinstein was God. Maybe we should stop listening to her,” she continued.
Kelly went on to focus on Oprah and her support of Harris during the campaign cycle.
“Oprah she’ll show up and interview you if you pay her $1 million, too,” she said. “….Apparently, that’s what the Harris campaign production company says.”
Kelly also thanked Harris personally for helping bolster Trump’s win.