Mike Pence Says 2024 GOP Contenders Should Announce Bids ‘By June’

Former Vice President Mike Pence said in an interview Sunday that candidates who want to be 2024 Republican contenders should announce their bids by June.
“I think anyone that would be serious about seeking the Republican nomination would need to be in this contest by June,” Pence told CBS News in an interview clip.
The June deadline would apply to his own possible candidacy, he said. Pence has not formally announced he is running for president but has made repeated overtures in that direction.
“When we have an announcement to make, it will be well before late June,” Pence said.
When asked about a possible presidential bid, Pence noted, Well, I’m here in Iowa.” Iowa is considered a key presidential battleground state and has historically been an important state for the presidential nomination process for both Republicans and Democrats, although Democrats last year voted to deny Iowa its first-in-the-nation presidential process and replaced the state with South Carolina to lead the contest….

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