Movie Theater Ceiling Collapses During ‘Captain America’ Film

Two moviegoers got an extra taste of action Tuesday night — and not just from their choice to view “Captain America: Brave New World.”

During a showing of the latest Marvel flick at Liberty Cinema in downtown Wenatchee, Washington, the ceiling of the theater collapsed onto the audience, local officials said.

Wenatchee Fire Department responded to the collapse at about 8 p.m. on Tuesday night, finding two people in attendance. The department said in a statement that no injuries were reported.

“Talk about an interactive movie experience… just not the kind you want!” the department said in a statement.

Photos from the first responders show the movie still projected on the screen, but with a heap of snapped planks and ceiling tiles covering the front of the theater. A video from the fire department shows the spread of long, wooden planks poking up towards the now-gaping ceiling.

Sun Basin Theatres, which owns the downtown Wenatchee cinema, told NBC News that the collapse was “unexpected.”


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