NBA Rookie’s Draft Stock Fell Over Alleged Grooming Scandal Involving Older Fiancée

The mother of Kyle Filipowski’s seven-years-older girlfriend has spoken out for the first time amid the shocking allegations that her daughter ‘groomed’ the college basketball star while he was still in high school.

The 20-year-old Duke alum got engaged to Caitlin Hutchison in April and is now estranged from his family, who have accused the 27-year-old of ‘coercive control’ and ‘scheming’ to entrap the rising star for five years.

“There will be things forthcoming,” Amanda Hutchison said at her home in Madison, Alabama, adding that the couple is laying low amid the ‘storm’ of accusations.

“What we’ve always said to the kids is, for everything that’s good, if you have faith at all there will be adversaries, there’s always a negative for every positive,” she said. “So it’s how we weather those storms.”

Her comments come after 6’11” Filipowski unexpectedly dropped to the second round of the NBA draft last week where he was selected by the Utah Jazz. ESPN’s Jonathan Givony linked the blow to ‘off-court goings on’ regarding his girlfriend.

Givony’s remark prompted the player’s mother, Rebecca, 60, to respond on X saying: ‘You are opening a two year issue… and she is 28 with an endgame three years ago to have a diamond ring on her hand when Kyle left Duke. HE WAS STILL IN HS.’

Filipowski’s oldest brother, Daniel, 29, also publicly aired their concerns on X. Initially he did not name Hutchison, but referred to ‘Mormon grooming and brainwashing’ and suggested readers ‘join some dots.’ Hutchison was raised in the LDS.

Later, in a series of follow up posts obtained by, Daniel was more forthright slamming his younger brother’s partner as a manipulative schemer who set her sights on Filipowski years ago.

Read the full story here.