New Hampshire Casino Faces Shutdown Following Alleged COVID-19 Relief Fund Fraud

Former New Hampshire state senator Andy Sanborn’s gaming operator’s license will be suspended for six months as a result of fraudulently obtaining COVID-19 relief funds. The Concord Casino owned by Sanborn will be closed from January 1st, 2023, but it will reopen if sold to a new owner. The state lottery commission announced the decision on Thursday after an independent examiner reviewed the case requested by Sanborn.

The controversy began when the commission tried to revoke Sanborn’s license in August. Concerns were raised over his use of federal funding, the absence of accurate record-keeping, and overstating his use of funds. Sanborn applied for $844,000 from the Small Business Administration between December 2021 and February 2022. While casinos and charitable gaming facilities were not qualified for such loans, Sanborn failed to mention his business name and incorrectly listed his primary business activity.

The investigation revealed that the former state senator purchased two Porsche race cars, valued at $181,000, and a Ferrari for his wife, valued at $80,000, and paid himself over $183,000 as rent for his Concord properties from the SBA loan.

The examiner denied Sanborn’s assertion that he did not purchase the cars with the loan, concluding that there was a clear line between receipt of the loan and the purchase of the cars. Additionally, the examiner stated that none of the vehicles purchased were American-made, which violates the loan terms.

The examiner ruled that the casino license would not be revoked because it had not been the case in prior circumstances. Sanborn can reopen the casino in six months if it is sold to a new owner.

Sanborn was an owner of The Draft Sports Bar and Grill in Concord, which hosts the Concord Casino and sought to open a large charitable gaming operation nearby. The state lottery commission determined that his license should be revoked because he fraudulently received federal funds, misrepresented how he spent the money, and paid himself large sums as rent without maintaining accurate records.


8 thoughts on “New Hampshire Casino Faces Shutdown Following Alleged COVID-19 Relief Fund Fraud

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