NY Post: VP Kamala Harris’s Demented Word Salads Should Have Voters Fearful

The New York Post editorial board is warning that Vice President Kamala Harris’s “word salads” suggest she’s as bad off as fading President Joe Biden. They write:

If there’s one dish no American wants this holiday season, it’s Vice President Kamala Harris’ word salad.

Too bad: Harris served up her specialty again Tuesday while discussing the 2024 election with MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell: “You know, every election cycle we talk about this is the most election of our lifetime. . . Lawrence, this one is, this one is.”

And she does this all the time; no wonder her poll ratings set record lows for veeps (even Dan Quayle).

At least President Biden has the excuse of being 81.

But the prospect of Harris sitting at the Resolute desk is all too real, and reason for anyone to think again before voting for the Biden-Harris ticket.

The president’s decline these last three years is beyond obvious; per a CBS News/YouGov survey in September, only 34% of voters believe he’d finish a second term.

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