Pothead’s President

In a groundbreaking move, President Joe Biden announced on Friday that he will issue a federal pardon to every American citizen who has used marijuana, regardless of whether or not they have been arrested or prosecuted for it. This sweeping pardon will apply to all US citizens and lawful permanent residents who have been in possession of the drug for personal use or have been convicted of similar federal crimes. It will also forgive pot users in the District of Columbia.

The implications of this pardon are significant. Past criminal records for marijuana possession or use have created significant barriers to employment, housing, and educational opportunities. By pardoning all instances of simple marijuana use or possession under federal law, the President has taken a major step towards addressing these issues.

However, this pardon does not apply to individuals who have been jailed for selling the drug, which is still illegal under federal law. The president’s pardon also does not apply to other marijuana offenses such as driving under the influence of the drug.

While this pardon is a major step forward, the president’s call for governors to forgive state offenses is especially significant. With a number of states continuing to enforce strict marijuana laws, the president is urging action at the state level to ensure that all Americans are given equal treatment under the law.

Anyone who wants to receive a pardon will have to apply for clemency through the Department of Justice. Last year, the President issued a similar pardon and promised future reforms. This year’s proclamation went further by forgiving all instances of simple marijuana use or possession under federal law, including for individuals who have never been formally charged.

In a statement, the president emphasized that Americans should not be sent to prison solely for using or possessing marijuana. With this pardon, he has taken a major step towards ensuring that those who have been harmed by past marijuana policies can move forward with their lives. The President’s move is likely to have long-lasting implications for marijuana policy in the United States, and could serve as a model for future legislation at both the federal and state levels.

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