Presidential Candidate DeSantis Identifies China as America’s ‘Foremost Geopolitical Threat’

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said on May 24 that he would deal with China as the United States’ “foremost geopolitical threat” if he were elected as the 47th president of the United States.
In an interview with Fox News not long after announcing his presidential candidacy on Twitter, DeSantis emphasized the need to recognize China as a threat to the nation and highlighted the growing interdependence between the two economies.
DeSantis drew a comparison with the Cold War, pointing out that during that time, the United States had minimal economic interaction with the Soviet Union.
However, he expressed concerns about the current level of reliance on critical supplies from China, particularly highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic. To address this, he emphasized the importance of restoring critical manufacturing capabilities within the United States….

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