RFK Turns: Investigate Joe

Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has called for an investigation into possible corruption by President Joe Biden, following the release of an FBI informant report.
The report alleges that Biden was involved in a $10 million bribery scheme with a Ukrainian company that hired his son Hunter. Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) released the report, which claims that Burisma Holdings founder Mykola Zlochevsky admitted to paying the Bidens to shut down a Ukrainian investigation.
Kennedy emphasized the need for a thorough investigation, stating that if the allegations are true, they are deeply concerning. In an interview with Fox News, Kennedy explained that although he has avoided criticizing the president in the past, the seriousness of these issues warrants a closer look. The revelations surrounding the allegedly corrupt company, Burisma, and the significant payments made to Hunter and his father raise troubling questions that must be addressed.

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