Second Hill Sex Video

Semafor has the report of a second gay sex episode filmed on Capitol Hill:

The high-profile Senate sex scandal that rocked Washington, D.C. this month, was, in fact, the second time in less than two years that sexually explicit videos filmed in the U.S. Capitol prompted an investigation.
A spokesperson for Rep. Dan Newhouse, R-Wash. confirmed that reports of “purported, unbecoming behavior” by a senior staffer in their office triggered an investigation last year. They added that “no conclusive evidence” was found.
One of the videos, watched by Semafor, featured a man masturbating inside a House office building, which was identifiable by standard Capitol House furniture and carpeting. The desk at which the videographer performed also held a branded congressional mouse pad. A screenshot of a second video obtained by Semafor shows two men engaged in a sex act in an office setting. The participants’ faces are not visible in any of the material viewed by Semafor.

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