Senators Introduce Bill Restricting Retired Military to Work for Foreign Powers

Two top senators introduced a new legislation on June 20 that, if made into law, would require public reporting on retired U.S. service members working as consultants and contractors for foreign governments and creating civil penalties if they break the law.
The bipartisan Retired Officers Conflict of Interest Act, co-sponsored by senators Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa), would amend current law to impose more stringent review guidelines for the State Department and military service.
The new constraints include a prohibition on service members negotiating a post-retirement job with foreign governments while still on active duty; public reporting of the name, job duties, and salaries of a person approved to work for a foreign government; a 30-month gap after retirement before military intelligence personnel can work for another country other than close allies; and higher financial penalties for those who violate the law….

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