Shapiro: Fire Turning Point’s Charlie Kirk For Shock Netanyahu Conspiracy Claim

Columnist Jeffrey Scott Shapiro called on Turning Point USA to dump founder Charlie Kirk. He wrote:

Last week, I heard an outrageous conspiracy theory that suggested that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered the Israel Defense Forces to “stand down” amid the Hamas terror attacks, a maneuver he purportedly executed to gain political power.
The baseless assertion reminded me of the conspiracy theories that suggested the Roosevelt administration had foreknowledge about Pearl Harbor but kept quiet so it would have a pretext to enter World War II, and the urban legends that the George W. Bush administration orchestrated the 9/11 attacks to give the U.S. a reason to invade Iraq.
While most of the post-Oct. 7 anti-Israel rhetoric has emerged on the far left, this theory was being circulated by some of the same far-right isolationists who accused Ukraine of being controlled by Nazis despite having a Jewish president. I initially declined to write about the theory to avoid giving it any attention, but since then, Turning Point USA President Charlie Kirk took care of that.
Kirk should resign or be removed as the head of TPUSA, or the right will — and should — suffer the consequences of its inaction.

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