‘Spoiled’ Hollywood Actors Should Get Back To Work

Lawmakers were torn on whether actors and writers should be concerned about artificial intelligence taking their jobs, with one Republican lawmaker saying the “spoiled” Hollywood professionals should get back to work at their “overpaid” jobs.
“Hollywood is a bunch of spoiled brat degenerates, and they ought to get back to work,” Tennessee Rep. Tim Burchett, a Republican, said. “They are overpaid and under worked. The rest of this country gets by on a lot less.” But Connecticut Rep. Jim Himes, a Democrat, said Hollywood’s actors and writers should be worried about AI development.
“If I was an actor and somebody could create a digital representation of me and my voice and put me in a movie and I don’t get any say about that and I don’t get any compensation from that, I’d be concerned,” the Connecticut Democrat said.

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