SPOOKED! Witches Complain They Cannot Cast Harmful Spells On Trump

There’s no doubt that a morality foreign to America’s Judeo-Christian foundation and longtime adherence is afoot on its shores today.
The Joe Biden-Kamala Harris administration has made transgenderism, including the bodily mutilation of minors, and abortion, the lucrative industry of killing the unborn, among its top priorities.
Further, the administration routinely has orchestrated attacks on followers of the faith, sending grandmothers to prison because of their actions in pursuit of protecting the unborn, and trying to force Christian ministries to fund abortion.
So it’s not a surprise that President Donald Trump, who has promised to reverse many of the Biden-Harris agenda points, would be considered by some to be the choice closer to God’s desires for America than the Democrat nominee, Harris.
But now some speculation by witches, who have made their presence known on social media sites, is spurring that conversation.
They, in fact, are complaining about “some kind of protection” around Trump, making it so they cannot cast spells on him.